
Fund’s name HSI Malls Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário
EIN 32.892.018/0001-31
Manager Hemisfério Sul Investimentos
Administrator / Controller and Custodian Santander Securities Services Brasil DTVM S.A.
Bookkeeping Agent Itaú Corretora de Valores S.A
Market Maker XP Investimentos Corretora de Câmbio Títulos e Valores Imobiliários S.A.
Ticker HSML11
ANBIMA Type FII Renda Gestão Ativa – Segment of Business Operation: Shopping Centers
Number of Quotas 675.000
Administration Fee 1.10% (p.a.) on the Market Value of the Fund + Bookkeeping Fee
Performance Fee 20% of Benchmark Surplus

Strategy: To invest in firmly established malls and carry out active management through control of properties and exclusivity of administration, potentializing value creation in assets.

Objective: To obtain income by investing resources primarily in real estate projects consisting of shopping malls and/or related developments, such as strip malls and outlet centers (among others), as well as any real rights over real estate properties. Or, through indirect investment through the acquisition of Real Estate Assets, as well as capital gains obtained with the possibility of buying and selling